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Employment and Education for People with Mental Illness: Discussion paper (January 2010)

About Employment and Education for People with Mental Illness: Discussion paper (January 2010)

Heroin-assisted treatment: Submission to Health Canada (June 2016)

About Heroin-assisted treatment: Submission to Health Canada (June 2016)

Housing Policy Framework (February 2022)

About Housing Policy Framework (February 2022)

Income Security Roadmap: Letter to the Ontario Minister of Community and Social Services

In October, the Ministry of Community and Social Services released a report called Income Security: A Roadmap for Change. The report was developed by 3 working groups on behalf of the Ministry. The Roadmap outlines major investments and improvements to Ontario’s social assistance system. The attached letter expresses CAMH’s support for the vision, principles and recommendations outlined in the Roadmap.

About Income Security Roadmap: Letter to the Ontario Minister of Community and Social Services

Infographic: Housing and Mental Health (September 2015)

About Infographic: Housing and Mental Health (September 2015)

La santé mentale et la justice pénale: cadre stratégique (Octobre 2013)

About La santé mentale et la justice pénale: cadre stratégique (Octobre 2013)

Legalizing cannabis: Submission to the federal Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat (August 2016)

About Legalizing cannabis: Submission to the federal Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat (August 2016)

Legislative review of the Cannabis Act: Joint submission to Health Canada

About Legislative review of the Cannabis Act: Joint submission to Health Canada

Limiting disclosure of non-conviction records: Letter to the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (December 2014)

About Limiting disclosure of non-conviction records: Letter to the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (December 2014)

Long-Term Affordable Housing Consultation Session: Joint submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (July 2009)

About Long-Term Affordable Housing Consultation Session: Joint submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (July 2009)